Our Story

The Story of Bison and Organ Meats

In cutting-edge biology research, functional medicine, and biohacking, we are learning ever more about the environmental conditions, nutrition, and other factors with which we evolved, and can turn back towards today to unlock optimal health. These conditions can serve as a prerequisite to unlocking even deeper levels of well-being and performance that go well beyond our traditional capabilities.

Organ meats are a critical part of our evolutionarily optimal nutrition. This has been forgotten in most modern diets. In native villages and traditional communities all over the world, there are people with amazing health, performance, and longevity who have not forgotten. They rarely experience degenerative disease, neurological issues, cancer, dental issues, or vision limitations.

Find more research and meta-analyses from the Weston A. Price Foundation-

This is the first available supplement to offer fully traceable wild-type organ meat, providing raw materials that our bodies have been waiting for. Of all foods, organ meats provide the highest densities of whole food nutrients and minerals to help you burst through challenges and limiting factors in your physiological pathways, and optimally fuel your body.

From adding organ meats to the diet, people regularly experience breakthroughs in a myriad of health challenges, and break through to new levels of performance in multiple areas, and looking towards the bison as our source of this nourishment can take this to an entirely new dimension.

Unlike domesticated cattle species, bison are in their original form with their wild genetics and physiology. They are will not submit to industrial farming practices, and are feared by all predators. The nourishment and performance unlocked by regular consumption of wild-type organ meats has not been experienced since the transformation into industrialized/domesticated diet and reality. Wild grass prairie regenerative grazing bison stewardship offers the deepest respect to the bison and contributes to their return from near extinction, and the resurgence of wild American ecosystems and Native American health and traditions.

Bison are the largest native animal of North America, and remain
with their original wild physiology.
Their bones are 9 times harder than cattle.

Bison ranches like North Star Bison contribute to the burgeoning return of the bison into the wild, making a comeback from near extinction. Their work embodies deep respect for the animals and for environmental stewardship and restoration. Making use of the whole animal ‘from nose to tail’ shows continued respect and appreciation of the animal, with nothing going to waste, while maximizing nourishment and help for us.

Freeze drying enables full stable preservation of the nutrients and structures of any food substance, delivering to you the full raw nutrition that can be preserved for over 25 years before eating, and is helpful in case you need to take these into your underground bunker or rocket ship.

Organ meats have been a foundational part of nutrition for human beings throughout the world, and their absence in modern human diets is one of the main causes of modern degenerative diseases and decreased well-being and physiological potential in comparison to vibrant healthy native people.

Adding organ meats to the diet provides nourishment specific to the needs of the organ systems of the person and provides them with nutrient densities that are orders of magnitude greater than any other food.

You can receive the nourishment and critical nutrition that your body has been waiting for- essential nutrients, enzymes and minerals to support all of your physiological pathways, and help you unlock your infinite potential in athletic ability, cognitive function, emotional well-being, and beyond.